Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mrs. Laureen Harper supports Soles4Souls

 I am pleased to provide this letter of support for Canada Soles4Souls and the Million Shoe Mission. I understand the plight of those who cannot afford a nice pair of shoes, and I appreciate the value of a program that offers quality footwear to these vulnerable individuals. I appreciate the importance of putting your best foot forward.

Having a nice selection of shoes is indeed a luxury that many of us take for granted. I would encourage everybody to take a quick peek in their closets, and see if there is a pair or two of shoes that have been forgotten. There are people across Canada who would benefit from your generosity, as well as people around the world.

I look forward to having the opportunity to donate a pair of my shoes to this incredible initiative.


Laureen Harper

Article From: http://www.soles4soulscanada.com/2012/03/mrs-laureen-harper-supports-soles4souls-canada/

Jim Belshaw Roy's Shoes, Boots and Repair http://www.roysshoes.com 1627 Ellis Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 2A8 250-763-5696

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